kipping breakfast can be really harmful for your health
You might have heard a lot of times that you must eat before leaving home in morning. Well breakfast is the most important meal of the day and skipping this meal can be really harmful for your health.
These are the things that might happen to your body if you do not take it seriously to consider breakfast an important meal of your whole day:
Diabetes: Yes this is right if you skip your breakfast, you are at a high risk of developing diabetes, and especially women. A study has found that women who skip breakfast are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than women who take their breakfast regularly.
Heart disease: A study has found that not consuming breakfast was associated with hypertension, insulin resistance and high elevated sugar levels.
Migraine: The reason behind this is that when meals are skipped, they can lead to migraine as it creates a major dip blood sugar levels that could compensate for the low glucose levels. And not having breakfast can also lead to high blood pressure levels, triggering migraines and headaches.
Hair loss: breakfast promotes the growth of hair follicle. A diet that is lacking protein can affect the levels of protein could affect the levels of keratin, decreasing hair growth and thus causing hair loss.
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