Deepika Padukone is winning the world, one chat show at a time. After her adorable appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show where she spoke about her father Prakash Padukone, her career and her crush on Vin Diesel, the actor appeared on The Late Late Show With James Corden. And this time, she had xXx: the Return of Xander Cage co-star Vin Diesel in tow. She greeted everyone with a namaste and she dripped star presence. Vin Diesel and Deepika Padukone’s lungi dance in India went viral and Corden was all agog what exactly is lungi dance, although he pronounced it ‘langi’.
As deepika explained, she had a funny anecdote to reveal too, “A lungi is a garment men wear in India. In a film I did two years ago, we did this song called Lungi Dance. But our friend Vin here thinks it is a classic, traditional style of dance of India. He did his interviews very seriously in India where he went on to compare breakdance with lungi dance and I am like no, it is not a traditional dance.”
Vin interrupted and said, “I thought that was a parallel.” To which Deepika replied, “He’s doing all these serious interviews and I’m like…(we are dead!).” It was obvious that Lungi Dance will happen next. Corden asked Deepika to show him a few steps and offered her his jacket in place of a lungi. He also tweeted, “There has never been a better use of @reggiewatts’ jacket. Look at those moves!”
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